Monday, December 31, 2007

Join us for a Holiday Get Together!

Hi Everyone,

Hope you're getting ready to ring in the New Year! As part of your New Year plans, we hope that you will have time to join us for a CKAN Holiday Get Together.

Wednesday, Jan. 2 - join us for cross country skiing at Hardwood Hills. Get more information here. We will meet there at 10am.

Thursday, Jan. 3 - if you can't make it Wednesday, mark Thursday evening in your calendar for dinner and drinks at Korean Grill House, Yonge and Dundas location. We will meet at 6pm.

We hope to see you at, if not both events, then at least one. Please let us know if you're coming or if you have any further questions. From CKAN blog, we wish you all the best for 2008 and look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

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